For a long time I have been sitting on 60m of
glow-in-the-dark paracord, I had purchased it for
a big spacenet project that I never found the time to start..
I chose to give up on the larger project for now and focus on
building another triangle spacenet, this way I can rig a float-line
between them and that's something I have been planning for awhile..
I started off putting 2 stakes in the ground and a hanger onto my shed and
created a triangle with edges around 6m apart, I connected 6x 2.5m spansets
together to create 5m edges which will be replaced with a permanent outer
material as soon as I decide between Amsteel or 5m spansets..
I girth-hitched my paracord along the bottom edge about 5" apart and
started off by weaving the corners towards the middle, It was the first
time I have not used a loom and by the half way point I realised i was going
to run out of cord. I pulled the net downwards and managed to save it
but the weave had to change pattern and i was still a meter short..
To fill in the gap in the top point I used 350 glow-in-the-dark paracord,
I also had some unrated glow-cord and with the remaining 350 cord
I created an Illuminati inspired pyramid eye in the center of the net..
This is my 'ILLUMINETI'
And I am unhappy with it so its getting remade immediately..
And I am unhappy with it so its getting remade immediately..