Sunday 18 September 2016

Spacenet #4.. THE ILLUMINETI

For a long time I have been sitting on 60m of
glow-in-the-dark paracord, I had purchased it for 
a big spacenet project that I never found the time to start..

I chose to give up on the larger project for now and focus on 
building another triangle spacenet, this way I can rig a float-line 
between them and that's something I have been planning for awhile..

I started off putting 2 stakes in the ground and a hanger onto my shed and
created a triangle with edges around 6m apart, I connected 6x 2.5m spansets
together to create 5m edges which will be replaced with a permanent outer
material as soon as I decide between Amsteel or 5m spansets..

I girth-hitched my paracord along the bottom edge about 5" apart and 
started off by weaving the corners towards the middle, It was the first 
time I have not used a loom and by the half way point I realised i was going
to run out of cord. I pulled the net downwards and managed to save it
but the weave had to change pattern and i was still a meter short..

To fill in the gap in the top point I used 350 glow-in-the-dark paracord,
I also had some unrated glow-cord and with the remaining 350 cord
I created an Illuminati inspired pyramid eye in the center of the net..

This is my 'ILLUMINETI'
And I am unhappy with it so its getting remade immediately..

Island Hunter

For a long time I have known about a possible highline on an island,
and on this island is a sea spire that dreams are made of..

Last year I had almost finalised plans to rig this line but
everything was a bit rushed and unfortunately it all fell
through at the last minute, this year I have more time to plan
this project so hopefully 2017 will be the year.. fingers crossed.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Spacenet #3.. Salvage

The past year I have been slowly picking apart the knots
in my first Spacenet, I planned on using the scraps to weave
something slightly bigger with a hole in the center..

I started off with 2.5m spansets for outers and used a spare
piece of 11mm static rope to create my inner edging for the hole,
I girth hitched all my strands to the center and weaved backwards
into each corner, now I have an exit for a rope swing..

I'm pretty happy with the final result and it was a good chance
 to practice some new knots..

On to the next one..

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Industrial Dreams

After spending the last 2 years hunting quarries 
and being out in nature I have felt the urge to rig
something urban, living far from cities makes this
quite a difficult task and as result I am always on the 
lookout for something that can be rigged.. like this beauty.

Hidden in the corner of an Industrial estate and awaiting
demolition are these 5 petroleum tanks on an abandoned site,
sitting dormant for the past 4 years this site is due to be cleared
and I had to get in to see if the tanks could be rigged..

After jumping a 7ft razor wire fence I was confronted with
years of overgrowth and lots of standing water, 

but it didn't take much to get in and around them and apart 
from some rust everything looks in pretty good condition..

At the back of the site I walked up the steps of the tank
and had a look around on top,

there's plenty of rigging options and everything looks
pretty strong so it might actually be possible..

The gap is 14m and the tanks are probably 7m high or more,
its full of obstacles and it could be a dangerous rig so might 
have to get a second opinion on this one but it was fun looking..

Sunday 17 January 2016

Hollow Hunter #3

Waiting for the weather to improve is boring
so although it was raining I rigged this new
69m long midline up the hollow..


Click here for SlackMap

Saturday 2 January 2016

Quarry Hunter

When you have no mountains, how do you highline?

You start by getting all the OS maps for your local area
and begin hunting for disused quarry sites..

For the last 2 years I have spent a lot of time researching
the Mendip Hills area and seizing every opportunity I can to jump in
the car and explore the possible locations I have found, I really want to
try and develop the Somerset area by finding as many highline spots as
possible and hopefully establish some beautiful lines in the process..

Here are some photo's of a few places I have been hunting,
all lengths and heights are estimates for now..

Location #1

30m> 15m^
 25m> 15m^

 Location #2
180-200m> 40-50m^

90m> 20m^

Location #3

25m> 30m^

25m> 30m^
50m> 45m^
 125m> 45m^

Location #4

34m> 15m^

30m> 15m^

Location #5

 50-60m> ?^

Location #6

85m> 40m^

Location #7



Location #8


Location #9


Location #10


Location #11


Location #12


Location #13

I still have more place's to search but all ready I am feeling
really positive that this year (2017) will see some great lines established
and as always new lines create new adventures..

(Original post 01/11/2015, Updated 11/02/2017)