Monday 13 February 2017

The Island

Taking inspiration from Pylon King and his
secret crag list, I have compiled a list of all
my secret Somerset sends on SlackMap..

As the lines were solo rigged so I have no pictures
of people walking them so over the next 6 months 
I will be re-rigging and collecting all the pictures 
and then relocating them to the true location of each line.. 

Until then it's a secret..

Monday 23 January 2017

Spacenet #5.. White Net 2 The Redux

After building the Illumineti and giving it a 
test rig between some tree's I quickly realised 
the net was too loose and it would need to have 
static rope inside it to give it more strength and less sag.

Like a sadist I went to work unpicking every single knot,
it took forever but it was a good way to stay busy during
the winter months and it meant I could start again fresh.

For this new project I wanted to remove the glowing cord
 and instead just build a plain white net, but after building it
I decided to use the scraps from my other projects to create
a sacred geometry inspired icosahedron net instead.
I found this image and planned out the amount of
cord needed for a simple interpretation of this design
and luckily I had just enough to make a couple of shapes.

After about a week of overhand knots I have almost
reached a point where I am happy with what I have created..

The next plan is to rig the first uk spacenet 'float-line'
either at the hollow or possibly at a new unrigged location.