Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hunting For Hidden Bridges

Since my ankle injury in November I have been at a loose end,
To remedy this I have been looking through OS maps from before 1960
to try to find possible hidden highlines within the South-West..
Mostly I am interested in finding abandoned railway bridges as
the buttresses are generally left standing and provide perfect anchor points..
Here's my latest discovery,

 Current Railway Line Operational
Abandoned Railway Closed 1966

As you can see the abandoned railway used to cross the river,
a perfect location to find a dismantled bridge..

 Unfortunatly the left side is private property and the
right side is Yeovil Golf Club, just to take this photo I had to
climb barbed wire fences and sneak across a field..
I am beginning to think this line is going to be risky to rig
concidering the double tresspass problem but never say never..

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