Monday 8 December 2014

Giants Bite

Travelling for 2 hours to get shutdown by your own
thoughts can be frustrating,
I will be back Wales... Soon

Sunday 12 October 2014

Hound Tor Pt 2

Second week in a row and I am back to rig the main gully line,
feeling defeated by last weeks high winds was not an experience
I wished to repeat but this time round it was calmer..

'Hounds of Hundatora'
22m long.. 8m high..

Inspiration for the line name comes from the remains of Hundatora,
 a deserted medieval village to the south-east of the tor..

Saturday 4 October 2014

Hound Tor Pt 1

Friday night I travelled into Dartmoor with Jon
 and Rod and slept in the shadow of Hound Tor,
 had dreams of waking up and crushing a year long
project but nature had other plans..
I awoke to 18-30mph winds and heavy rain that lasted
 until 11am, the rain stopped after I did an hour long
 rain dance to Alborosie but I couldn't stop the wind..
Feeling like a pack of wet dogs we decided the bigger project
could wait and found a mini spire to rig and even then the wind
made it almost impossible to stand up..
Defeated we decided to de-rig and head home but for a second the
wind stopped and the sun started shining so I had one last attempt,
 soon as I stood up I realised I hate whippers and catches so bagged
 a send and we all went home happy..

'Sontaran Spire'
 16m long.. 5m high..

Inspiration for the line name comes from the British science fiction
television series Doctor Who as it was the location for
the episode 'The Sontaran Experiment'.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Slack London 2014

The most anticipated day in the UK calendar had arrived
and scene was out in full force..

We even had people come over from Europe and
unfortunately one of them gave us the worst bail I
have ever seen, luckily he has made a full recovery..

Tyas after his fall..

Saturday 23 August 2014

Anonymous 2014

Headed back to Dorchester for the
annual Anonymous Festival to provide
demo's and workshops throughout the day..

Sunday 10 August 2014

Box of Magic

Training can start now that the 
150m of  White Magic has arrived,
After a year of waiting I might finally 
get to beat my personal record and get 
past the 100m barrier.. 

Current P.B 85m 01/08/14

First stretch of the new webbing,
101m long and it kicked my ass for over an hour..

Swanage Carnival

Popped along to Swanage Carnival with 
Maverick Slacklines to put on some demo's and workshops,
out of nowhere an air display turned up so managed to grab
a little fly-by photo of a flying grab..


Sunday 29 June 2014

Finally... Stour isn't so sour

Rigged and sent Stour-Power this weekend with Jon,
2x Half-man sends in one direction and plenty of catches
from both of us..

Photo was taken from the bridge so quality is a little
low but the hype was high so it doesnt matter..

Cant wait for the Full-man, I love this line..

Click here for SlackMap 

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Ley-lines under the Tor

Decided to spend an afternoon in the shadow of Glastonbury Tor 
absorbing some power in my mystic buddha stance..

Friday 14 February 2014

Floodlining on the levels

During the winter floods I really wanted to head out into 
some deep water and rig a waterline, but after realising 
my childrens inflatable dingy wasnt really up to the job 
I decided to find somewhere with less hassle and found 
a nice avenue of tree's I could rig on..

Then the Police turned up on horse's looking for a selfie,
so much for hassle free..