Sunday 15 September 2013

Braddy Hollow Midline

Midline at the lowest point of the hollow,
Solo rigged and sent onsight..

Baby-on Babylon

Sunday 8 September 2013

Southwoods Midline

Cheeky little midline in the middle of Yeovil,
hopefully improve my leash climbing and rigging here
as it is a nice quiet location with no distractions..
The line is roughly 14m> 5m^
with longer options available..

Sunday 4 August 2013

Trill Farm Festival

Trill Farm is tucked away in the hills of Devon,
its quiet and has a beautiful lake with an island..
I was invited by Jon Chubb to provide demonstrations
and workshops but bad weather allowed us to have
free time and a chance to rig a waterline.. TO AN ISLAND!!!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Jurassic Rigging

Thanks to some good weather this summer I have managed to get
in a couple visits to the beautiful area of Lulworth Cove in Dorset,
I have had a big project in mind for this area and there's no
better time then when the sun is out for a days rigging by the sea..
The first port of call was a sea cave I wanted to rig, this was so
 I could get to grips with rigging in a new environment and it was
 definitely a new experience compared to the usual tree rig..
Stair Hole
'Stair Master'
The second journey was to rig an epic sea-arch and using the knowledge
gained from Stair Hole (and a dinghy) we managed to make this an easy rig,
it was an amazing adventure and so many more options are available it wont
be too long before I head back down there to find the next big project..
 Durdle Door
'Arch Enemy'


Saturday 1 June 2013


Finally, It's here.. The first World Ranking competition
in the UK and it went off big time in Bournemouth!
Needless to say almost all of the UK trickline community
was out in full force and ready to smash it, we had slackers
from Swindon, Sheffield, London, and even Jersey..
Everybody wanted to grab some points and have a good time
and the level of tricks had improved quite a lot since the Outdoor Show
so I had my work cut out for me, some amazing rounds were fought
but in the end I managed to seal the win with some new tricks
and a few killer combo's..
The D2 edit on Vimeo

Friday 19 April 2013

Calypso Surf Champs

It's been awhile since I was in Cornwall last and I couldn't have
asked for better weather to be slacklining on the beach and
watching a surfing competition, although I still have a bad back
 I managed to send a nice beach line (banner photo) and had
 a chance to practice some rock balancing for the afternoon.

Saturday 23 March 2013

MRI... (maximum rate of injury)

So after going to the hospital and having 2 X-Rays and
 an extremely serious talk with an orthopaedic surgeon
 it seems my spine isn't too happy with me, somehow I
have managed to possibly slip a disc in my back and
all I was doing was sitting in Budda and went step off.
Since that moment I have collapsed several times in
what I can only describe as a the most pain I have ever felt,
its like every nerve in your body is on fire and your muscles
tense up until your almost in a fetal position... pretty scary.
Soon as I got home I popped to see my doctor and have tried
to arrange an MRI scan so I can hopefully find the source of
this problem but as for now it seems my slackline projects
will have to be put on hold and I will have to concentrate on
improving the strength of my back..

On the plus side it means I have time to research future projects..

A beautiful sea stack line I have been hoping to rig..

A possible new highline with an estimated 80 metre span and
over 40 metres in height, this could possibly break the current
record for the longest highline in the UK..

(I'm standing on the left near the edge)

Saturday 23 February 2013

Asus @ Bluewater

Tri-Slacklining and Asus computers held a competition
to win 1 of 3 laptops and all you had to do was balance
on a slackline for as long as possible whilst we timed
your best effort with a stopwatch..
I was there for 7 days in total and generally most people
would struggle to reach 5 seconds but every so offen a
person would come along with good natural balance and
last a good few minutes, the best time I recorded was
5 mins 56 seconds and there was still a week left..
Since the competition has finished I have found out in the
last remaining days a few slackliners turned up and with
such good balance destroyed the leader board, resulting in
an elimination round where the final 3 had to guess how
long they had balanced and step off at the 10 minute mark.

It was a good experience and I met some really nice people
over the week, unfortunately I think I have injured my back
and have to go for an examination at the hospital..
Fingers crossed its not too bad.

Saturday 19 January 2013

The Outdoor Show

Winter Jam 2013

Whilst training for this event last year I suffered an injury just
12 days before I was due to compete, so this year I was even more
 determined to be there to and try and win the Winter Jam title..
I made sure I had healed up after my ankle injury in November and had
 everything organised to make our journey would go off without a hitch,
But all the planning in the world couldn't prepare me for the snow on its
way and Friday morning I awoke to find the world was a winter wonderland..

We set off to catch our coach at 8.10am and after parking up and waiting
in the snow (which was still falling heavily) for awhile I realised the coach
seemed to be running late, A quick phone call revealed the coach was having
 difficulty getting through the bad weather and would be an hour late.
Eventually it turned up and relaxing into our seats we sat there hoping that
 was the end of our delays and everything will be smooth from here on in..
No such luck, the coach made it 15 miles up the road and had to turn around
taking us back to the bus stop to hopefully change to another coach..
By this point it was 12.45pm and the snow hadn't stopped falling, we still
had a small bit of hope but traffic reports didn't sound encouraging but we
 set off for a second time with fingers crossed that this coach would
 take us on our ill fated journey..

Well we made it as far as Stone Henge before the traffic came to a halt
 due to an accident at the roundabout ahead of us, sitting there taking
 in the view a familiar voice came from the front of the coach and as if by
 magic Ben Skelton (fellow maverick slacker) was standing infront of me
 asking if I wanted to pop outside so we could have a quick cigarette..
Ben had been sat in the car infront of our coach and after talking to
Jon Chubb had realised I was behind him, he explained Jon was at the
 roundabout waiting and together they were travelling up by van..
Seconds later he was gone deciding to walk instead of waiting for the
roads to clear, 10 minutes later the coach driver says the journey is too
dificult and at the roundabout the coach will turn around and head home!
I jumped up and grabbed Maz, demanding the driver hands me my bags
we jump off the coach and headed towards the roundabout in the hope we
could get a lift with Jon and Ben for the last stretch.. Luckily he waited..

Finally we arrived at 5pm, 9 hours after we had set off...

Thanks to Jon Chubb for rescuing me, without your help I couldn't have won..


Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hunting For Hidden Bridges

Since my ankle injury in November I have been at a loose end,
To remedy this I have been looking through OS maps from before 1960
to try to find possible hidden highlines within the South-West..
Mostly I am interested in finding abandoned railway bridges as
the buttresses are generally left standing and provide perfect anchor points..
Here's my latest discovery,

 Current Railway Line Operational
Abandoned Railway Closed 1966

As you can see the abandoned railway used to cross the river,
a perfect location to find a dismantled bridge..

 Unfortunatly the left side is private property and the
right side is Yeovil Golf Club, just to take this photo I had to
climb barbed wire fences and sneak across a field..
I am beginning to think this line is going to be risky to rig
concidering the double tresspass problem but never say never..